Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Lab 5: A Spectrum of Ball Handling Skills

1. Use the internet to search for information about turtles and how they live.

Turtles are one of the oldest animals on the Earth.They are in the reptile family and lay eggs. Turtles spend most of their time underwater, but surface for air regularly. They can live in both a water and land climate.Researchers have recently discovered that a turtle's organs do not break down over time which allows for longevity.

2. Identify the fitness components being addressed in squad square fitness. Where are these components located on the New York State Conceptual Framework for K-12 Physical Education?

The fitness components being addressed are muscular strength and endurance and cardiovascular endurance.

3. Prescribe a series of ball handling skills for a second grade boy or girl that is afraid of catching a ball. What kinds of objects might you prescribe throwing and catching.

Dribble in place, Dribble while moving, Toss to self, bounce to a partner, Bounce ball and move under it to catch.

I would use beach balls, rhino balls, bean bags, and kick balls.

4. What are some of the guidelines you would follow in pairing students for throwing and catching.

I would start with basic skills first such as the underhand throw from a short distance and gradually move the students further apart and allow them to throw overhand. This way there is more control over the activity and students will be less likely to act out of control.

5. How would you help a special needs student learn to catch that displays delayed motor control and lack of fine motor control dexterity.

Just like any other student I would start out with basic skill movements/activities to try and teach basic performance cues. I would probably have the student use different objects than a normal lesson. I think using scarves and beach balls would be good to use because they are light and move slower through the air making it easier for the student to control.

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