Monday, December 12, 2011

Reflection on the Semester

Overall, this semester has been a great learning experience for me and I've grown a lot as a possible teacher candidate. At the beginning of the semester, I was very "raw" in my teaching ability, meaning that I had very basic skills. Throughout the semester I learned of different teaching techniques and strategies to have successful lesson plans such as progressions, play-teach-play, and how to write a lesson plan. Also this class has taught me the importance of using technology in the classroom. I never really thought of using technology as a way to teach physical education but my experience with Lab D and using Dance Dance Revolution really opened my eyes to the possibilities when using technology. Feedback is something that I really worked hard on throughout the semester, I find it very important for student success if they are given a lot of feedback throughout the lesson. Now looking back, I think that I have improved in many different aspects of teaching and this is just the start, to be successful as an educator you have to constantly be a student and keep learning how you can improve and be willing to put in the time and effort to make these improvements.

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